The Little Book of Data

Good data visualisation makes us see the world anew. The sixth edition of The Little Book of Data presents original and curated visuals, charts and graphics to offer a fresh perspective on topics shaping our world.

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House View

No-one can predict the future perfectly. But our House View represents the best collective judgement of Aviva Investors on the current and future investment environment.

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About us

We are uniquely positioned to combine our insurance heritage with our broad and deep investment expertise to deliver outcomes that matter to you.

Who we are

Over 1,000 people in 13 countries connect seamlessly as one team to focus on your unique needs.

Our culture

Inclusion, diversity and innovation are the key elements of our culture that help us put customer first.

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Investment risk

The value of an investment and any income from it can go down as well as up. Investors may not get back the original amount invested.